Sunday, May 15, 2011

My Retrospective Thrifting- Part 2 of 2

I hope you all have had a fabulous weekend! Sorry its been a few days, it was a busy (but fun!) week. 

So, here you go! Make sure you read til the end- I have an important question to ask you!

 I had been wanting to get a dish set like this from Target- they are usually somewhere around $60, from what I've seen. I got my set (one place setting shown above) for $8 at Thrifty Bargain on the Esplanade. Also- bamboo place mat shown- found at the dollar tree! I bought 4 :)
 I don't know why, I just loved these goblets.  I don't remember how much they were but I remember there was a glassware sale where I bought them at the Snowline Hospice in Placerville.
 Some random cook books purchased by either my mom or me at thrift stores or yard sales.
 These are vintage Italian pumps I got at a small thrift store behind Big Al's in Chico. I haven't been there in a while- I really need to go back- but I believe it is called Lou Ellens.  A lady runs it out of her house.  She sells mostly vintage items that she finds, and it is slightly more expensive then your average thrift store- but really, only slightly. I honestly don't remember how much these were but I believe $10 or under. Scuff marks on the toe were made by me on a girls night out.
 Felt a little weird posting this picture, but I wanted to show you the shoe rack I bought for $1.50 last weekend. The one on the left.
 This vintage long flowy skirt was purchased at Lou Ellens for $8.  She had a huge rack of skirts like this and it fits so nicely- the picture doesn't do it justice.
Since I only have a tape player in my car I like to get cassettes when I find them- usually $.50. Not pictured: Salt n Peppa, Ace of Bace & Fleetwood Mac.
 My boyfriends favorite thing to do at thrift stores is rummage through all the records.  He has a
record player, but one of the other reasons he likes to collect records is to frame the cool covers he finds.
I know I have found a lot more books than this, but here are some... Memoirs of a Geisha, The Vagina Monologues, He's Just Not That Into You (seriously one of the smartest books ever), White Oleander, Don't Sweat the Small Stuff, The Other Bolyn Girl, Blink, and The Hazing. Random fact about the last one- I was at a thrift store and the name caught my attention, I turned to the first page and it was a 911 call from a frat house that had taken place in Chico, exactly 10 years before to the day that I was reading it. Weird right?
 Books that my boyfriend has found- The Shining, Murder Most Irish, The DaVinci Code, Jurassic Park, 2001 A Space Odyssey, Splinter Cell, Rainbow Six and The Hobbit.
 A wine rack purchased by my mom. I want to say she got it for $3 at the Thrifty Bargain.
 Some of my favorite wine bottles :)
 Hangers-$.50- Never purchase them anywhere else again!
 We love to collect games- can you tell? Each were under $1.50
We just bought Clue- The Simpsons version. It's practically brand new! The "weapons" include a poisoned donut, slingshot and a saxophone- Locations include Nuclear Power Plant, the Simpson house, Kwik-E-Mart, and Burn's Manor.

Bop it- 50 cents! Thanks to the Provine sisters for getting me addicted and inspiring this purchase!
 Nintendo 64- $6.  So excited about- Scott says getting the controllers for it shouldn't be hard.
Eureka vacuum, like new when we got it- $15. Good vacuums can be extremely pricey- and this one works really well. We found it at a yard sale a while back.

This week I am going to try to go to as many yard sales and thrift stores as possible. I have a long list of thrift stores in Chico I have never checked out- so my plan is to do just that so I can tell you which ones I thought had the best finds and the best prices.

Also I have a question for you all. Over the weekend a friend of mine was having a Clothing Swap party- I really wanted to go but I ended up having a reallyyy late night with some friends I never get to see the night before, and I missed it.  So, I was thinking of possibly having one myself- inviting some friends over for some food (and possibly/probably drinks), where everyone can bring whatever clothes they are wanting to get rid of and have a big clothing swap.  Would any Nifty Thrifty Gals like to participate? If you do, leave a comment and when would work best for you- Weekends, during the week, nights, days?

Well, thanks for reading! I hope you all have a great week. :)


  1. The Clothing Swap is a great idea! I seriously have SO much I was just going to take to Salv. Army, but it's nice stuff, so I'd rather see if some gal pals would like to give the items a new home! I would definitely attend and bring a bottle of wine and an appetizer :)

  2. Awesome! I will let you know as soon as I figure out a date & time that works for everyone. Do weekends work for you? Feel free to tell any friends that you think would be interested. The more the merrier!

  3. I'm honored to be mentioned in your second blog post ever :) Heck yes a clothing swap fiesta sounds fun!

  4. Woot Bop It! I also spy a bottle of Hangtown Red - yum! Love those pink heels.

  5. Yes, weekends are usually best for me! I can do week nights from 6pm on too though. I know some peeps have work on weekends! I can't wait for this event! And yes, I will ask around for other possible attendees :)
